I had a super crappy week at school this week. I was doing really well at being ready in the mornings, knowing what I wanted to get accomplished and all those wonderful things a teacher should do. But, every morning, as soon as my kids came in through the door they drove me CRAZY!!!
Monday I was cranky and wanted the kids to just work quietly, I'm pretty sure that really is too much to as of them (as I learned). I was having computer problems and was frustrated by how things were going.
Tuesday - my formal evaluation was scheduled for 1:30 - math. I had a solid lesson, I was ready for the day (and ready to be done stressing about being observed). First thing in the morning?!?! My computer freezes, and 30 min later, again...and again... Needless to say, my math lesson was not going to go very well that day. I also learned my kids have NO idea how to listen. I need to back up and give a side story... Every week we do a spelling worksheet. It has their spelling words and they have to read clues to figure out which word goes with each clue. Sometimes it's a rhyme, somethings it says to list all the words with a certain pattern...yadda yadda yadda. So, I always circle the key words in the directions on my Doc Cam and help them through the first few problems. Well...no computer means no Doc Cam. They were CLUELESS on what to do...My favorite part of the lesson was the 7 kids who said. "I'm confused because I was working instead of listening". Yea...cool. As I'm giving a talk about how they need to listen when I'm talking, I have a girl digging in her desk in the back of the room...I'm so glad I demand so much respect from my kids...uuug.
So, back to my story. My kids are driving me crazy, my computer isn't working, and the first part of my lesson is based on using my computer. I run into my principal at lunch and explain my issue. He suggests rescheduling my formal to a different day. I'm fine with that, but then realize I'm still stressed out that it's not over. So what do I do? I sit in my room and let the tears roll down my face for a few min. Yup, that's stress relief right there.
Anyway, yesterday was better. My computer has been fixed and with a few normal glitches in my day, things are back to normal. I also realized, my kids are not meant to work quietly. The do so much better when they are allowed to either work in partners, or be able to whisper and not SIT. My kiddos can't sit still for more than 5 min.
So, thank you to all of you who dealt with me the last couple days. I was subconsciously more stressed out than I realized. But, it's all over now and tomorrow is a pretty darn easy day. I'm just trying to figure out when I'm going to have time to hide and let them find their Easter egg :)
I had to show off my Spring gardening :)
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