Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Crenshaw Melon

My Sweet Angel!!!

I can't believe you're full term.  So much fun news happened this week.  We went to the doctor and Julie said that you're average in size.  She's guessing you'll be about 7.5-8 pounds by the time you're here.  Which is crazy, because that could be any day.  Julie also said that I'm dilated 1 cm and 50% efface.  I'm feeling much more healthy these days, thank you amoxicillin.  I'm also in disbelief by how BIG you're getting.  You're about 6 pounds and I can feel that weighing down on me.

The more I think about the actual delivery of you, the more I kinda...freak out.  I'm trying not to process that part too much, because what happens will happen, and you will come out however you darn well please.  Last weekend I basically decided we're ready for you to be here.  And since that time, every day moves by so slowly.  Time has stopped, and it's painful how slow things seem now.  I can't wait for you to be here, with Daddy and I.  We're so ready to meet our baby girl (please come out a girl).

I washed all your clothes and blankets too.  They are so pink and adorable.  You will be the best dressed girl around.  All frilled out :) 

Next week - I'll get to post some gorgeous maternity pictures of you, me, and Daddy.  I'm so lucky that through this whole experience, that the whole time, you've been healthy.  I haven't, but, you have :)

I love you with all my heart!


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